Filiation for Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası
contact tracing solution for Turkish Employers’ Association of Metal Industries
Turkish Employers’ Association of Metal Industries (MESS) was established in Istanbul, in 14 October 1959 by eleven farsighted and modern entrepreneurs committed to the industrialization of the country. In cooperation and solidarity with the employers in the metal and electronic industries, MESS aims to develop well-balanced, reliable, and stable industrial relations, while increasing the competitiveness and the productivity of industry. MESS works to provide sustainable and extensive peaceful working conditions and promote the health and safety of employees. Motivated by their focus on the wellbeing of employees, MESS was looking to implement a solution that will allow member companies to continue to provide the safest working conditions during the pandemic. This solution would include necessary tools to ensure company-wide compliance to social distancing regulations, as well as automatically trace contact as employees continue their daily tasks in case if a positive COVID-19 case is identified within the workforce.
MESS Safe was developed in collaboration with MESS to address these needs by leveraging state-of-the-art IoT technology. With wearable devices tracking the proximity between users, and warning them when they are at risk of transmission, social distance compliance is made easy for the employees,. Meanwhile, the devices record the risky interactions, making it much more efficient and less time consuming to create filiation graphs to trace the spread.
Business needs
for employee health and safety
- Agile adaptation to the new anti-COVID19 regulations
- Reducing the risk of transmission within the workplace
- Identifying and isolating employees at risk to continue operations
automated contact tracing
and social distancing
- Automation of social distancing measures and contact tracing
- Wearable devices powered by BLE measure social distance compliance between users
- All close interactions recorded to be used for filiation if a case is identified
health and safety management
- Boost employee morale and productivity by ensuring their safety
- Informing the workforce about social distance requirements instantly and encouraging them to adopt healthy habits
- Prevention of the spread of the virus within facilities to avoid losses associated with 1 to 2 months of production downtime
- Digitally transformed facilities that rapidly adapt to the post-COVID19 world before going back to work.
- Preparation for possible future health crises
MESS Safe Technology Solution, wearable devices that employees wear in workplaces occupational health and safety that may occur by maintaining social distance with other people with the help of It is a workplace safety solution that enables contact tracing and measures to be taken against risks.
heath and Safety in the workplace
Safe Steps automates health and safety at work and enables administarion to have a single point of access to all health and safety functions.