DIGITALIZE work health and safety maNAGEMENT WITH wıreless connectıvıty technologıes
Workers in challenging industrial environments are often exposed to a variety of potential safety risks and hazards such as falling and tripping, getting exposed to hazardous materials or getting injured by heavy machinery. Most industrial facilities are also built on large, dispersed areas that may lower visibility of operations and hinder emergency evacuation performance.
Using multi-sensor wearable devices, we offer scalable work health and safety solutions that can be adapted to address the needs of different industrial facilities. Our cloud-based solutions help protect workers’ well-being by gathering data and providing real-time visibility, actionable insights, and alerts.
LEVERAGE locatıon-BASED IOT TO Build a culture of excellence in work health and safety
Pandemic Safety
– Social Distance Tracker
– Filiation Reporting
– Advanced Analytics
– HR Suite Integration

Lone Worker Safety
– Management of Restricted Areas & Authorization
– Location Tracking in Emergency Situations
– Stillness/Fall Detection
– Panic Button

emergency roll call
– Real-Time Personnel & Visitor Tracking
– Immediate Emergency Alerts
– Automated Headcount
– Evacuation Performance Reports

Restricted Area Control
– Turnstile Activation
– Authentication of Personnel
– Administrative Dashboard
– Traceable Work Environment

MESS Safe: ıot work health and safety solution

With the global COVID-19 outbreak, safety at work has become even more important for business continuity and sustained economies. Experts have suggested that social isolation and contact tracing are our main tools against the virus, making it a priority to find a way to digitalize work health and safety processes for more effectiveness. MESS Safe was developed to automate safety management during the pandemic.
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